Dr. Shah, a Homoeopath by training, is a Member of the Central Council of Homoeopathy, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
In the past five years, he has conducted more than 200 Lectures, Courses and Seminars in 22 countries. He is a contributor to various National and International Scientific Journals in the form of articles and research papers. Dr. Shah acted as a Consultant to Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) since September 1984 for developing `HOMPATH’ software for Homoeopathic physicians. This was subsequently taken up by Dr Shah himself.
In his last 30 years of association with Homoeopathy, Dr. Shah has played a major part in the development of the future of Homoeopathy in various capacities in the following areas –
Academician –
As an academician, Dr. Shah has been teaching Homoeopathy, both at the national and the International level. He has taught a large number of Homoeopaths in his lecture series.
Practitioner –
A practitioner since the past 25 years, Dr. Shah has cured patients purely with Homoeopathy. He specializes in Bronchial Asthma and has also been running Clinics for the treatment of the same.
Educationalist –
Dr. Shah has been associated with the setting up of various Educational institutions in the country and abroad. As a member of the Educational Council, Central Council of Homoeopathy, Government of India, Dr. Shah has assisted in developing the Homoeopathic education in the country.
Organiser –
Dr. Shah has been organizing Seminars for the Homoeopathic Fraternity. His three major seminars in Mumbai were in 1999 (an attendance of 750 Doctors), 2000 (an attendance of 2500 Doctors) and 2001 (an attendance of 2300 Doctors).
Technocrat –
As one of the pioneers in Homoeopathic software development, Dr.Shah has been using IT to assist Homoeopaths in arriving at better cure by the software developed called Hompath. This software is India’s no.1 Homoeopathic software and one of the major software across the globe with a user base of over 8500 Doctors.
Qualification |
Medical Graduation - L.C.E.H. from Bombay Homoeopathic Medical College, India, 1976. |
Experience |
Worked for one year as a Tutor-Evaluator, at the Institute of Clinical Research in Homoeopathy, Clinical Medicine and Research, Bombay. Resident Houseman at Masina Hospital, Bombay under various specialists. Specialized in treatment of Bronchial Asthma since December 1978 having treated more than 10000 cases with Homoeopathic medicines. Research Officer at Dr. Subodh Mehta Medical Centre since September 1980, looking after Research and Development of the centre. Managing Child Guidance Clinic having treated more than 500 cases. Private Homoeopathic Consultant since June 1979 Headed Research and Development Centre of Beck and Koll Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. from 1984-1990. Consultant to Tata Consultancy Sevices (TCS) from September 1984 till 1986 for developing `HOMPATH’ software for Homoeopathic physicians. |
Training undergone |
Training for two years, from 1977-79, at the Institute of Clinical Research in Homoeopathy, Clinical Medicine and Research, Bombay. Training at Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, USA for two months in 1982. Training at the continuing Medical Education Course on Cancer conducted by the Indian Cancer Society and the Marie Curie Memorial Foundation, London, U.K. |
Presentations and Publications |
Written articles in various National and International Scientific Journals. Presented T.V. Programs on Asthma and gave a radio talk on Homoeopathy. Presented a paper on ‘Asthma’ at the 4th All India Homoeopathic Congress in 1982. Presented a paper on ‘The Role of Computers in Homoeopathy’ at the 40th International Homoeopathic Congress, Lyon, France. Presented a paper on ‘Bronchial Asthma’ at the 41st International Homoeopathic Congress Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Presented a paper on ‘Systematic Pharmacological Evaluation’ of Homoeopathic Belladonna at the 42nd International Homoeopathic Congress, Washington, U.S.A in 1987. Presented a paper on ‘Management of Asthmatic patients with Homoeopathic medicines’ at the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, Govt. of India, at New Delhi, India, 1986. Presented a paper on ‘Computers’ at the 1st Asian Homoeopathic Medical Congress, Oct. 1988. Presented a paper on ‘Computers’ at the 2nd Asian Homoeopathic Congress, at Malaysia. Presented a paper on ‘The use of Homoeopathic Medicines in Asthma’ at International Conferences of Complementary Medicine, Jan. 1990. Presented a paper at 2001 Health Odyssey at Centaur Hotel, Bombay. Invited by Computer Society of India, Orissa chapter to talk about ‘The use of Computers in Medicine’. Presented a Paper on ‘Alternative Medicine’ at 18th World Congress at Perth, Australia, 1990. Gave Lecture and conducted Free Homoeopathy Camp in Nairobi, Kenya, May 1991. |
Additional Professional Activities |
Honorary Physician at Anandvan Ashram Medical Centre, Kandivali, Bombay |
Professional Memberships |
Awards |
Winner of Dag Hammarskjold International Award for Alternative Medicine 1989. |
Interests and special training |
International Activities |
Invited by European Council for Classical Homoeopathy (ECCH) to present a paper on ‘Management of Behavioral / Psychiatric Disorders in Children’, at Homoeopathie 2001, St. Gallen, Switzerland in May 2001. Conducted several Lecture Courses & Seminars in following countries:
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